April 22, 2022 - 2 min read

Earth Day - Our Speakers and Experts on the Topic

Earth Day is held annually on 22 April to focus on environmental issues. In view of the increasing climate crisis, Earth Day, which exists since 1970, is also becoming more and more important

Earth Day - Our Speakers and Experts on the Topic

For many of our speakers and experts, the environmental issues and measures to protect the environment that are highlighted worldwide today are also a major concern on all other days of the year. They inspire not only with their keynotes on climate change and climate protection, but also with their own actions.

Lectures and keynotes on climate change and climate protection

Our speaker Anders Levermann, for example, explains in his keynotes, among other things, what we really know about climate change and also talks about the opportunities of the climate crisis. The consequences of climate change for the economy are also among the lecture topics of the renowned climate scientist.

Jeremy Leggett is Britain's most respected renewable energy company founder. His company Solar Century is one of the UK's largest solar energy companies. Our speaker Jeremy Leggett talks about green technologies, the benefits of renewable energy and solar visions in his keynotes held in English.

Climate protection is also a matter close to the heart of our speaker David Mayer de Rothschild. He is the winner of the German Sustainability Award and a member of the Clinton Global Initiative. The adventurer and environmental activist draws attention to climate change with his expeditions and gives nature a voice with his foundation Sculpt the Future. In his impressive keynotes, he makes climate change visible and explains measures for sustainability and climate protection.

Our speaker Maayke-Aimรฉe Damen dreams of a world without waste. The sustainability expert is the founder of the Excess Materials Exchange (EME), a digital matching platform that finds new, high-quality reuses for materials and (waste) products from companies. In her passionate keynotes, Maayke talks about circular economy, recycling and sustainability, among other things.

Our speaker Frank Schรคtzing also deals with the topic of climate change in his latest book "What if we just save the world?: Acting in the climate crisis". He shows how we can still escape the climate trap and how we can still save the world. Even though climate change is probably the greatest existential threat in our history, we can master the challenge with knowledge and willpower. This is what our speaker Frank Schรคtzing shows us in his book as well as in his keynote on climate change.

Get in Touch

These are just a few of our speakers and experts who will enhance your event with their expertise. Contact us. We will find the perfect speaker for you.