August 16, 2023 - 2 min read

Health and Wellbeing at Work - Our Speakers and Experts Share Tips

Our speakers show ways to achieve work-life balance, motivation and well-being in everyday working life.

Health and Wellbeing at Work - Our Speakers and Experts Share Tips

Among them, for example, John Strelecky, best-selling author and adventurer, who gives important impulses for both professional and private life with his inspiring books and his keynotes on the 'Big Five for Life'. He helps to find out what is really important in life - the right work-life balance, financial prosperity, health, happiness or a top trained body? And he shows how you can achieve your goals. A good work-life balance is made possible by as much flexibility as possible in everyday work, that's what we learn from one of Strelecky's Big Five for Life stories, and that's what he also vividly shows in his lectures.

Helga Hengge, the first German woman to successfully climb Mount Everest, talks in her lectures about courage, endurance and the motivation that gives you wings. Along with spectacular pictures, she shares her adventures with her audience and shows what we can learn from mountaineering for everyday work. Leading and motivating teams, being flexible and focused and assessing risks realistically - some challenges in mountaineering are amazingly similar to those in the job, our speaker Helga Hengge makes clear.

Ingo Froböse is known as "The Fitness Doctor" from press and TV and inspires his audience in his entertaining and instructive lectures with his findings from 40 years of science and research. Our speaker Ingo Frobรถse shows, for example, that we need the best possible stretegies to cope with the modern working life and to create more quality of life. Because when the work-life balance gets out of whack, health usually suffers too. In his lectures, he gives tips, among other things, on how to bring our areas of life into harmony.

Our speaker Lynda Gratton is a psychologist and Professor of Management Practice at London Business School, she is a member of the World Economic Forum and author of numerous non-fiction books. In her lectures, she provides deep insights into her field. Among other things, she talks about how our working lives have been changed by the pandemic and how work-life balance can work in times of hybrid working.

As an expert on work-life balance, our speaker Ralph Goldschmidt shows practical solutions for a better quality of life. He shows that optimising professional performance does not exclude private satisfaction, and that high performance and well-being go together just as well as work power and mindfulness. In his keynotes, Ralph Goldschmidt talks, among other things, about how we can permanently achieve top form in business and how we can motivate ourselves to implement good resolutions.

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