August 14, 2018 - 2 min read

Mobility of the Future - Future of Mobility

E-mobility and autonomous driving are just two of the many aspects of the mobility of the future that our speakers explore in their keynote speeches.

Mobility of the Future - Future of Mobility

The diesel scandal, which has repeatedly hit the headlines in recent months, has sparked a new discussion about the mobility of the future. In addition to the diesel scandal, electromobility is dominating current discussions about the future of mobility. Autonomous driving is also a big topic in connection with the mobility of the future, as is the digitalisation and interconnection of the mobility system and infrastructure.

Our speakers are experts on the topic of mobility of the future

Among them for example Rรผdiger Grube, former CEO of Deutsche Bahn AG. In his keynotes about the future of mobility our speaker Rรผdiger Grube impresses with his experience from a long career in the mobility sector.

As does Eckard Minx, CEO of the Daimler und Benz Stiftung. He is expert on research on the future and one of his topics is autonomous driving. In his keynotes, our speaker Eckard Minx speaks about the future of cars and the future of mobility. Eckard Minx is ione of the most important experts on innovation in Europe.

Claudia Kemfert is Head of Department in the Energy, Transportation, Environment Department of DIW and her vision for the mobility of the future is electrification of traffic and digital traffic turnaround. According to our speaker Claudia Kemfert it is important and necessary to support e-mobility.

Trendanalyst Lars Thomsen is one of the most influential experts on the future of mobility. Our speaker is known as creative thought leader who focusses in his keynotes among other things on the development in the sector of e-mobility as well as with mobility concepts of the future.

Rallye driver Jutta Kleinschmidt, RocketHub co-founder Alon Hillel-Tuch, designer Swantje Rößner and Stephan Rammler, founding director of the Institute for Transportation Design, are also among our speakers on the future of mobility.

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