To help you find our speakers and experts on the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with just one click, we have set up a new search filter - why not take a look around?
There you will find, for example, Garry Kasparov, the best-known and most brilliant chess player in the world. He already had his first, very personal experience with artificial intelligence many years ago: in 1996 he played against the best chess computer "Deep Thought" and won the game. Only one year later, he lost a sensational match against the IBM computer Deep Blue, which made headlines all over the world and was a milestone in the development of computer chess. Since retiring from the world of chess in 2005, Kasparov has been a sought-after speaker at international conferences and events, speaking on topics including artificial intelligence and challenges around cybersecurity and the digital future. Kasparov is a committed advocate of future technologies and a security ambassador for Avast.
Wolfgang Wahlster was Director and CEO of the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence from 1988 to 2019 and was involved with the topic of AI long before it was on the tip of everyone's tongue. Wahlster is one of the greatest IT personalities and was honoured in 2019 by the Gesellschaft für Informatik as one of 10 formative minds in German AI history. In his lectures, our speaker Wolfgang Wahlster talks, among other things, about the limits of artificial intelligence and explores the question of whether machines will replace humans. As a renowned researcher and scientist, he has made groundbreaking contributions to the development of AI systems. His lectures are not only informative but also inspiring and show how AI will transform our lives and our future.
Constanze Kurz is also one of our speakers and experts on the topic of artificial intelligence and cyber security. In her talks, the spokesperson for the Chaos Computer Club deals for example with the consequences of artificial intelligence for the world of work. Will AI endanger jobs and if so, which ones will be particularly affected? What role will AI play in human resource selection in the future and what role does it already play now? In her presentations, Constanze Kurz addresses - in a way that is also understandable to the non-expert - the numerous questions we all have in connection with ChatGPT and other AI programmes.
Our speaker Nina Schick is an internationally sought-after expert on artificial intelligence and geopolitical trends. In her lectures, she examines how AI is influencing not only the economy, but also society and politics. With a clear view of the future, she shows what opportunities and challenges await us in an increasingly digital world. Her keynotes are thought-provoking and open up new perspectives on what is possible in the world of artificial intelligence.
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