April 6, 2022 - 2 min read

World Health Day 2022 - Our Experts on Health

Due to World Health Day 2022, we would like to highlight our speakers and experts on the topic of health

World Health Day 2022 - Our Experts on Health

We would like to use World Health Day 2022 to draw attention to our speakers and experts on the topic of health. In addition to physical health, we also have numerous experts speaking on topics related to mental health and resilience.

Among them, for example, the forensic psychiatrist and neurologist Reinhard Haller. He is a specialist in psychiatry, a psychotherapist and a sought-after expert witness at courts of law. In his lectures, he talks about burnout, the psychology of praise, dealing with narcissists and the power of evil, among other things. Always to the point and comprehensible even to non-professionals, our speaker Reinhard Haller brings his not always easy topics close to his audience.

Our speaker Gro Harlem Brundtland was the first woman to head the World Health Organisation. During her tenure, the WHO had to face the global threat of the SARS virus, the spread of which was prevented at that time. Brundtland also intensified the debate on global health as the key to economic success. This is also one of her lecture topics, as well as sustainable development and dealing with climate change.

Our speaker Ingo Frobรถse is the expert when it comes to sports and health. The professor at the German Sport University in Cologne is a scientific advisor to numerous health insurance companies and social security institutions and a captivating and humorous speaker. Known as "The Fitness Doctor" from the media, Ingo Frobรถse talks, among other things, about the right way to deal with stress, healthy ageing through exercising and the right steps to take against back pain.

Our speaker Hans-Dieter Hermann also shows in his lectures, among other things, how to deal with stress properly in competitive situations. The sports psychologist of the German national football team has been working in professional sports for about three decades and shows in his keynotes what we can learn from professional athletes for our everyday work. "Inspiring team leadership" and "Success begins in the mind - so does failure" are just two of his memorable lecture topics.

Tobias Esch is a pioneer of holistic general medicine and one of the most renowned experts in mind-body medicine and integrative medicine and health promotion in Germany. Our speaker researches and teaches at the University of Witten/Herdecke in the field of Integrative Health Care and investigates how to treat even chronic diseases through a holistic approach. In his lectures, he talks about happiness and spirituality, among other things, and about what we can learn from the elderly.

Get in Touch

These are just a few of our speakers and experts who will enhance your event with their expertise. Contact us. We will find the perfect speaker for you.