This year we want to speed up the waiting time until Christmas with weekly book recommendations.
Current books by our speakers and experts - To read yourself - or to give as a gift.
The new world order after the Russian invasion of Ukraine poses major challenges for Germany and Europe. USA expert Josef Braml analyses our geopolitical situation in his latest book "Die transatlantische Illusion. Die neue Weltordnung und wie wir uns darin behaupten können“. Our speaker Josef Braml, shows that we will be among the losers of the new world order if we do not start now. As an intimate connoisseur of American politics, our speaker provides a fundamental contribution to the reorientation of our foreign policy with his latest book.
With "Was Politiker nicht sagen", our speaker Gregor Gysi presents an entertaining look behind the scenes of the political establishment. Gregor Gysi explains how communication works in the political business and how difficult it is to present facts in a simplified and at the same time correct way.
Jane McGonigal is an internationally renowned alternate reality game developer and leading expert on the engagement economy and the application of game design to the real world. In her simulation games, she accurately predicted the financial crisis and the Corona pandemic. Now, in her book "Ready for the Future", our speaker shows how we can think the unimaginable and better master coming crises. With amazingly realistic scenarios, Jane McGonigal shows us how we can react more quickly to unforeseen challenges and inspires us to set the right course for our lives in the future. Thanks to Jane McGonigal, we can be one step ahead of everyone else in tomorrow's world.
Maja Göpel, political economist and sustainability scientist, clarifies in her current book "Wir können auch anders" how we can understand complex developments and changes, as previous self-evident facts are becoming increasingly questionable. Maja Göpel shows that structural change does not have to be an imposition, but can be an opportunity, and that our window to the future is open as never before. How can we rethink our world and who do we want to be? These are the central questions that Maja Göpel asks in her book.
Our speaker Marcel Fratzscher presents with „Geld oder Leben: Wie unser irrationales Verhältnis zum Geld die Gesellschaft spaltet“, a sound analysis and shows why we are mistaken concerning money. He dispels myths and shows how our irrational relationship to money divides society. "We urgently need a more rational discourse about money and its importance for each individual and for us as a society, and we need more financial education," says Marcel Fratzscher, President of the DIW and Professor of Macroeconomics at Humboldt University in Berlin.
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These are just a few of our speakers and experts who will enhance your event with their expertise. Contact us. We will find the perfect speaker for you.