Every year, 23 April is a day of celebration for reading. UNESCO made the anniversary of the deaths of Shakespeare and Cervantes World Book Day in 1995.
To mark the occasion, we present some of our speakers' current books and hope you enjoy reading them.
Our speaker Rüdiger von Fritsch, for example, will publish his new book "Welt im Umbruch - Was kommt nach dem Krieg" in May. Rรผdiger von Fritsch was ambassador in Warsaw and Moscow and has already written two Spiegel bestsellers, "Russlands Weg" and "Zeitenwende". In his latest book, our speaker looks at Germany's role in a changed world.
The journalist and best-selling author Frank Sierenportrays Germans living in China in his latest book "In China zu Hause". They live between cultures and changing perspectives is their everyday life. They are contemporary witnesses of the rise of a new world power and pioneers of globalisation and have exciting things to report. Our speaker Frank Sieren, who has lived in China himself for almost 25 years, recorded the conversations for his current book.
Our speaker Hannah Fry is a mathematician and award-winning science journalist. With "The Ultimate Guide to Almost Everything", her successful English book is now also available in German translation. Hannah Fry's book is packed with stories about how things actually work. With the power of science, she and co-author Adam Rutherford explore numerous questions to which only science has an answer in their usual entertaining way.
Tatjana Reichhart is a consultant psychiatrist and behavioural therapist. Together with Claudie Pusch, she has presented "Resilience Coaching", a practice manual for supporting people in challenging times. Our speaker Tatjana Reichhart teaches how people can be supported in a concrete and practical way to develop and strengthen their mental resilience.
Christoph Heusgen writes in his cutting-edge book "Fรผhrung und Verantwortung" about Angela Merkel's foreign policy and Germany's future role in the world. Our speaker Heusgen is Angela Merkel's former security advisor and has been head of the Munich Security Conference since February 2022.
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