Eckart von Hirschhausen

Doctor, Comedian and TV-Presenter

Eckart von Hirschhausen

Doctor, Comedian and TV-Presenter

Eckart von Hirschhausen is doctor of medicine and man of humour. He is an expert on the healing power of humour and he knows how to impress by a healthy laugh with a lasting message. Von Hirschhausen (born in 1967) studied medicine and science journalism in Berlin, London and Heidelberg. After his graduation he worked as doctor in neurology and became a science journalist, writing for “Focus” and “Der Tagesspiegel” among other newspapers and magazines. Soon he has been spotted by German television, where he is invited to numerous shows and talks. Between 1998 and 2003 he presented his own health magazine. Together with Bettina Tietjen, he hosts the talk show “Tietjen and Hirschhausen” and he also presents two science TV-shows. For more than 15 years he has been active on stages around Germany as a comedian, an author and a presenter. He was the most successful non-fiction author in 2008 and 2009 with his books “Arzt-Deutsch” (“Doctor-German”), ”Die Leber wächst mit ihren Aufgaben” (“The Liver Grows According to her Challenges”) and “Glück kommt selten allein” (“Good things rarely come unaccompanied”). Since January 2022, he has also been an honorary professor in the Department of Medicine at Philipps University Marburg. In 2008 he has launched his own charity “Humor hilft heilen” (“Humour helps Healing”), which arranges for clowns to come to hospitals to cheer up the patients.

  • English
  • German

About Eckart von Hirschhausen

Eckart von Hirschhausen is doctor of medicine and man of humour. He is an expert on the healing power of humour and he knows how to impress by a healthy laugh with a lasting message.

Von Hirschhausen (born in 1967) studied medicine and science journalism in Berlin, London and Heidelberg. After his graduation he worked as doctor in neurology and became a science journalist, writing for “Focus” and “Der Tagesspiegel” among other newspapers and magazines. Soon he has been spotted by German television, where he is invited to numerous shows and talks. Between 1998 and 2003 he presented his own health magazine. Together with Bettina Tietjen, he hosts the talk show “Tietjen and Hirschhausen” and he also presents two science TV-shows.

For more than 15 years he has been active on stages around Germany as a comedian, an author and a presenter. He was the most successful non-fiction author in 2008 and 2009 with his books “Arzt-Deutsch” (“Doctor-German”), ”Die Leber wächst mit ihren Aufgaben” (“The Liver Grows According to her Challenges”) and “Glück kommt selten allein” (“Good things rarely come unaccompanied”).

Since January 2022, he has also been an honorary professor in the Department of Medicine at Philipps University Marburg.

In 2008 he has launched his own charity “Humor hilft heilen” (“Humour helps Healing”), which arranges for clowns to come to hospitals to cheer up the patients.


  • Humour Helps Healing
  • Pain and Humour