Interview with the renowned bestselling author
Tim Marshall is a noted expert on foreign policy and an international bestselling author. His book "The Power of Geography" has been translated into 30 languages and sold more than two million copies worldwide. With "The Power of Geography in the 21st Century", the next bestseller about explosive trouble spots in the world followed in 2020.
The former diplomatic editor and foreign correspondent for Sky News talks to us about his forthcoming book, The Future of Geography, in which he explores "how power and politics in space will change our world".
Our speaker Tim Marshall shares insights and predictions on space politics and how this new space race will affect our society. In doing so, he stresses that this is not science fiction, but science fact by now.
He shows how space can provide answers to Earth's most pressing challenges, including climate change, sustainability and medicine. Space exploration opens up new perspectives and offers solutions to problems that previously seemed unsolvable. "The medical advances we will make will be enormous," says Tim Marshall. Mining rare earths and helium on the moon "will help us enormously, both in combating climate change and energy poverty."
Tim Marshall shares his thoughts and predictions on the future of geography in this fascinating interview.
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