
Motivation & Leadership

How do I motivate my team? How do I keep motivation permanently high? How does leadership at eye level work? And what exactly is correct and relevant leadership? The experts of London Speaker Bureau in the category "Motivation & Leadership" will provide the answers to all of these questions in their keynotes. Whether they are athletes, adventurers, psychologists or conductors - motivation and leadership skills are the basis of their excellent work.


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  • Podcasts: Episode 42

    Chat Club with Maria Höfl-Riesch

    3-time Olympic Champion in Alpine Skiing

    In my latest episode of the "Chat Club", I welcome Maria Höfl-Riesch, the most successful German ski racer of all time. The three-time Olympic champion and multiple world champion gives us exclusive insights into her extraordinary life and …

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  • Podcasts: Episode 34

    Chat Club Quickie mit Jonas Deichmann in New York

    Athlete and Adventurer, Six-time World Record Holder

    Jonas Deichmann, Abenteurer, Extremsportler und mehrfacher Weltrekordhalter, hat mit seinem jüngsten Projekt Trans America Twice wieder für jede Menge staunende Gesichter gesorgt. Trans America Twice Zwei Mal hat er die USA durchquert: …

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  • Talks: Episode 33

    What makes a good team, Ralph Krueger?

    Ralph Krueger, former coach of the Swiss national ice hockey team and current Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Austria Wien, impressed us with his expertise and clarity in our exclusive interview. In addition to questions about his career and the challenges he has faced, he also answered our questions about team …

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  • Talks: Episode 32

    Maria Höfl-Riesch: An exclusive Interview about Career, Pressure, Motivation

    We are delighted to present an exclusive interview with three-time Olympic champion and two-time world champion Maria Höfl-Riesch. In this interview, the former ski racer gives us deep insights into her impressive career and how she personally deals with pressure and stress. Maria Höfl-Riesch, who was one of the best …

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