These podcasts and talks with speakers in this category might also be of interest to you.
Podcasts: Episode 34
Chat Club Quickie mit Jonas Deichmann in New York
Athlete and Adventurer, Six-time World Record Holder
Jonas Deichmann, Abenteurer, Extremsportler und mehrfacher Weltrekordhalter, hat mit seinem jüngsten Projekt Trans America Twice wieder für jede Menge staunende Gesichter gesorgt. Trans America Twice Zwei Mal hat er die USA durchquert: …
Ralph Krueger, former coach of the Swiss national ice hockey team and current Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Austria Wien, impressed us with his expertise and clarity in our exclusive interview. In addition to questions about his career and the challenges he has faced, he also answered our questions about team …
We are delighted to present an exclusive interview with three-time Olympic champion and two-time world champion Maria Höfl-Riesch. In this interview, the former ski racer gives us deep insights into her impressive career and how she personally deals with pressure and stress. Maria Höfl-Riesch, who was one of the best …
Insights from the world champion coach of the men's national hockey team In around a month's time, the Summer Olympics will begin in Paris. In the run-up, we had the opportunity to speak to André Henning, the world champion coach of the national men's hockey team, about dealing with pressure, building teams and his …
Podcasts: Episode 30
Chat Club with Bibiana Steinhaus-Webb
First Female Referee in German Professional Football, FIFA's Head of Women's Refereeing
Bibiana Steinhaus-Webb is this week's guest in our Chat Club. I meet her in London, where she enthusiastically takes part in the weekly Park Runs in order to stay fit after the end of her active refereeing career. Bibiana-Steinhaus Webb …
Podcasts: Episode 19
Chat Club with Hans-Dieter Hermann
Sport Psychologist of the German National Football Team (2004-2024)
Prof Dr Hans-Dieter Hermann is one of the most renowned sports psychologists in Germany. He has been active in high-performance sports for around three decades and became known to a broad public primarily through his many years as sports …
Physicist and long-time astronaut trainer Laura Winterling talks to Hajo Schumacher about, what we can learn from astronauts in times of corona pandemic, quarantine and lockdown. How can we work together efficiently in isolation? And which characteristics will make us successful in the future? Of course Hajo …
Hans-Dieter Hermann, sports psychologist of the German national football team, talks to host Hajo Schumacher about spending his time when there is very little sport going on and how athletes, especially footballers, are experiencing the Corona crisis and the empty stadiums. He gives tips on how to get through the …